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Partnership Working

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We are committed to and have a proven track record of working in strategic partnership in Calderdale alongside wider health/social care providers locally and nationally to deliver positive outcomes for people we support, this includes promoting well-being, reducing dependency on paid services and managing positive risk taking.


Our partnerships are used to develop the skills and opportunities for our employees and people who use our services.


Some of the services we have partnered with include;

  • Square chapel, being part of the performance Zara, highlighting issues with pregnancy and LD.

  • Adult Education to provide Maths, English and Literacy workshops

  • Lead the Way, offering breast awareness sessions

  • Sports England, securing funding to provide FA coaching

  • Mind The Gap, resulting in a dramatic performance at the Piece Hall

  • The local Police force, focusing on safety in the community and reporting hate crime

  • Local fire service, arranging station visits along with regular fire safety workshops


The links we have created with these groups have not only played a huge part in providing new experiences and upskilling the people we support but have also helped develop personal relationships and friendships outside of services, often resulting in people making true friendships leading to independent socialising.




We have worked in partnership with the Pass-it-On Project, which is a mental health project for people with learning disabilities and delivered by

This organisation trains individuals with learning disabilities, a peer supporter (support worker) to deliver workshops to people who use our service and the people we employ. Once training is completed, sessions are then delivered to help people understand and talk about mental health issues and how to look after our personal well-being. 

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Supported Loving


We have worked in partnership with choice support and appointed 7 Supported Loving Champions, who train our team and the people who use our services to ensure: 

  • Sexuality and Relationships are a mandatory focus in Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspections in the Key Lines of Enquiry. 

  • Training on Sexuality and Relationships is provided to all social care staff. 

  • People with learning disabilities and/or autism are aware of their sexual rights. 

Supported Loving is a human rights-based campaign, with associated network meetings, hosted by Choice Support. 

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Michelle Wright – Business Relationship Manager – Adults Health & Wellbeing

The Calderdale Registered Managers Network is available for all managers in Social Care and is chaired by registered managers supported by ‘Skills For Care’.  Managers can feel under immense pressure and isolation and are the best  placed people to understand how complex and demanding the role of a registered manager be.


Networks give registered managers the chance to:

  • access peer support, reducing isolation

  • share valuable information about their role and service

  • share skills and best practice

  • be better prepared for inspection

  •  learn from guest speakers, including regulators and commissioners.


Claire Turner is registered manager for Community Support Services and Co - Network Chair for Calderdale and understands the role of a registered manager is really challenging yet a highly rewarding one. Claire is committed to having a supportive and collaborative relationship with other managers in the area and during the pandemic meetings have been taking place virtually, alongside the Whatsapp group where members can join to continue conversation between meetings and share resources and best practice that will support them to deliver high quality care to individuals who use services in Calderdale.


Ailsa Benn – Locality Manager (Yorkshire and Humber/NE) - Skills for Care 

‘Being a member of Calderdale’s registered manager network (RMN) provides managers across the social care sector with an opportunity to share experiences, information and best practice which ultimately leads to better outcomes for people, families and carers being supported. The network is committed and passionate in raising standards, linking with other partners and professionals to work in partnership to elevate the social care agenda.  

I have found Claire, chair of the RMN committed, engaging and very supportive of the network members. Claire ensures that individuals have the opportunity to be involved and have their voice heard. I would recommend any registered manager to join the network’


Tracey Williams – Co-Ordinator – Lead the Way 

‘In Calderdale we have wanted people to live bigger lives and having a relationship is one of the ways that a person with lived experience can live a happy fulfilling life. This hasn’t always been easy and there are many barriers to achieve this. CSS have also recognised this need and have worked in partnership with Lead the Way, the sexual Health Services, Learning Disability Nurses and the Council to Pilot training courses for people with learning disabilities. They have also devised a package of staff training that is being delivered to their whole staff team. There has been energy and commitment given to this and is especially significant as like any social care organisation have been dealing with the effects of the Pandemic. I look forward to continuing the good work and to get excellent outcomes for people.’

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